Platform to repair VAG ABS ECU with CPU TMS570LS3135

A solution has been developed for reading and writing EEPROM AUDI/VW ABS blocks based on the Texas Instruments TMS570LS3135 processor. The solution allows you to read and write EEPROM95256 by connecting to a processor. This is especially true for blocks where the physical location of the memory chip does not imply quick disassembly.

Also, a bonus to the proposed software is the C123EF0 error calculator, which is prescribed in ABS blocks in case of multiple errors on the vacuum pump. As a result, the error becomes indelible, and the ABS unit needs to be replaced. The calculator allows you to reset the error counter so that it can be erased by a diagnostic device.

The kit includes software for reading and writing EEPROM dumps*, the necessary circuits for connecting to the CPU, and a binary file editor as a bonus. The kit is supplied on a flash drive.

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* EEPROM read and write only, JLinkZReader software is used to read and write the TMS570 processor, which is purchased separately.